Aug 11, 2011

i think that i'm a gear slut (with a little of Liz Helm)

anyone who knows me
knows that i like clothing.
i do not consider myself 
to be on the fashion cutting edge
but i think that i have good style.

my wife asked me
"if you had $300 to spend,
would you buy clothes or outdoor gear?"
my answer 
"outdoor gear."
then pam asked
"what would you buy?"
a new sleeping bag was my answer.

currently i own 3 sleeping bags
(among duplicates of many other things)
but, yes, i would buy another one.

to be honest
i dont even get enough use
out of the ones that i own.
i spend more time looking at gear
and wishing i had more gear 
than i do on using that gear.
am i the only one with this problem?

last week
i bought a pack.
a new gregory pack.

now i own 2 gregory packs:
the z45 (new one) & the z35-r

gregory makes a great pack.
they just fit
so comfortably.
i even convinced my brother-in-law
to recently by the z-55.
i think
that he likes it.

i currently own 4 packs.
i would like one more.
maybe next year.

i plan to use
the z45
very soon
and will have a review
for you.